Working in EMS can be especially challenging at times, and for providers in rural settings, unseen factors and forces not commonly encountered in urban areas can spell disaster for an inexperienced medic. The Rural Medic website was created in 2021 to help connect those across the country facing these unique rural challenges. Each episode dives into thought-provoking, humorous, and engaging topics with Chris (AAS, EMT-P) and co-host Amanda (BSN, RN) as they uncover the issues, educate, and inspire the hardworking EMS providers of rural America, from coast to coast.

Gentleness Overcomes Hardness
Often, we find ourselves working with challenging partners or, in leadership roles, managing tired EMS crews who face unique professional and personal frustrations. In EMS, where leadership training is virtually […]

Everyone Loves Stickers
Send us an email at chris@ruralmedic.org, and we’ll send you a pack of official Rural Medic Podcast stickers. Slap them on your water bottle, laptop, or station fridge! Grassroots support helps us reach a larger audience, promoting education, progression, and the pursuit of the perfect EMS system.